
Results 43 issues of foralliance

HI Is it convenient to provide the **DSFD-ResNet50** model?? many many thanks!! my emial is [[email protected]](url)!!

from the code, i found that "multi-scale training" means : randomly select a scale from multiple scales. u only need to train once. is that right?? Because in the past,...

@bharatsingh430 @bharatpublic HI In README, you point out: `Please use the version of caffe matches with this repository. I have merged many files between the latest version of caffe and...

@bharatsingh430 @bharatpublic HI About the **"Results on ms-coco" section** Based on the training model you provided,  1. In **master branch**, the test results were **29.0**  2. In **coco branch**, the...

@bharatsingh430 HI Section 5 of the paper points out: `Simple modifications like 5 scales for RPN anchors, a minimum image size of 800, 16 images per minibatch and 256 ROIs...

@c0nn3r HI For focal loss. The **classification branch** uses the **sigmoid function**. Why **background class** is considered in the classification branch??such as **coco**, num_classes=80 instead of 81.

@c0nn3r HI what's your **python** version and **pytorch** version?

在你的code中,conv6的形式是: conv6 = nn.Conv2d(512, 1024, kernel_size=3, padding=6, dilation=6) 但这个形式其实是SSD中的。 而在PyramidBox中,底层是基于S3FD中的VGG16。跟SSD没关系。所以conv6的形式应该是: conv6 = nn.Conv2d(512, 1024, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

@yxlijun HI 看了您的code,受益匪浅 起初看paper时,因为公式较多,很多地方难以理解.结合您的code来看,很多都理解了.非常感谢! **整体感觉:** 从code来看,对于**损失函数**这里,其实还是常规的.重点在于**head标签信息**的设置,其本质上是通过**face的标签信息**得到的: 1. 关于head坐标信息,体现在data/widerface.py中,head的坐标就是在face的基础上扩大了一倍.这个感觉就对应的是**公式(5)**的内容 2. 关于head类别标签(0/1)信息,和face标签保持一致. **在正负样本匹配时:** 从code来看,不论是face还是head,共用一组anchor(priors). 比如一个face,尺度128.那么这个face对应的合理的anchor就会出现在第4个预测分支上.这个face对应head的尺度就是256,那么这个head对应的合理的anchor就会出现在第5个预测分支上. **有个疑问**:因为head是由这个face衍生来的,那么需不需要把这个2个anchor标记一下,表示其来自于同一个face呢??从**公式(1),(4)**来看,face和head的anchor总感觉有一种匹配关系.但是从code来看,没有这样的标记,针对face和head的损失都是独立进行的. 另外有[另一个版本的PyramidBox复现代码](,他针对face和head设计了2组anchors.但总感觉head_anchors设计的有问题.不知道您参考过没?

1节“Feature learning部分”指出: `现有的FPN方法just aggregates hierarchical feature maps between high and low-level output layers, which does not consider the current layers information, and the context relationship between anchors is ignored。` 2节“Feature...