Hi @aseyfpour - Thank you for reporting the issue! It's quite likely to be a Streamr Network issue as we've been experiencing problems with resends lately. We're rewriting this core...
@aseyfpour while I think it's the resend issue I spoke to in the last message, I forgot to mention you should double check you're running the latest version - as...
> @fonty1 Is there any update on this topic? Hey @aseyfpour, we're finishing up internal testing of the resend upgrade. Fingers crossed for a release this week, thanks for your...
Hi @aseyfpour could you try your resends now? The resend data brokers have been updated. If you have issues, can you be so kind as to report the behaviour and...
@aseyfpour - please use **_v5.4.1_** but the main change was on the backend, so it hopefully fixed in older versions as well.
> @fonty1 - First try result: It fetches about 17K messages in 45 minutes, then it gets stuck at Subscribe again. I didn't catch any exceptions or successful messages in...
@aseyfpour - It's been a bit of a rabbit hole as multiple dependencies have needed to be switched out, I'll see about getting an update from the Network team this...
@aseyfpour - could you try again now? We've made some very heavy updates to the broker that are very fresh, but may solve the issue. Please give it a go.