fons haffmans
fons haffmans
no tal all Thanks ! On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:27 AM, Ian Eslick wrote: > You're really improved on my initial work - mind if I change to...
ok. I'll see what I can do...
That would in fact not be a bad idea.
ok I just merged a pull request which supposedly fixes this.. Ddin't verify it though !
I haven't looked at this for while actually.
Looking at the output in the gist, I see two issues : one is with the javascript interpreter ; the other with the index test. The javascript piece relies on...
I tested mongodb version 2.0.7 (which seems to be the latest stable version). The results are here : I can't reproduce your results, esp the javascript issues. On the...
What's your lsip environment ?
Agreed. I'm taking a closer look at this. I want these tests to be clean.. On Aug 17, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Clint Moore wrote: > sbcl 1.0.58 > >...