Jack Foltz
Jack Foltz
This article might be useful as well: https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep/
Currently this is blocked on getting a working VyOS docker container running in a workflow with all of the necessary pre-configuration (API keys, ...). So far, testing of this has...
I got integration tests against VyOS working in CI with https://github.com/Foltik/vyos-client-go/commit/9b9a46c4ab7257a0e4fc459f7c1fd7628278a648, so this is now unblocked. We should be able to pretty easily leverage the same pipeline for integration testing...
Thanks for the proposals @jtcarnes! Regarding each: 1. Linting - definitely! 2. License - just added the MIT license. 3. Automatic Versioning - I'm hesitant to give up the additional...
I initially started this project precisely since there were no other vyos providers available, which is why it's so minimal right now. I'm unfortunately pretty busy with other things currently,...
I'm leaning towards adding in the requirement as well. While it might be convenient to configure just a few things on an existing system, I think one of the main...
@jtcarnes I think the most useful resources to add at this point would be ones which are configured often, such as firewall rules, NAT rules, static DHCP mappings, etc. Expanding...
It works (almost) out of the box without a wrapper type if you enable the `uuid` feature on both `sqlx` and `ulid`: ```rust #[derive(Debug, sqlx::FromRow)] struct User { id: Ulid,...
@angelnu, Seems kind of awkward to mix built-in Terraform types with fallback to json-encoded strings. Maybe instead of contorting ourselves around Terraform's lack of `schema.TypeAny`, it would be more ergonomic...
@cubic3d There are significant config changes coming with #19, this should be addressed when that is merged.