Also note that the code to convert from the 6 register readings to 3 x i16 have the LSB/MSB order mixed up it should be LSB first : let x_l...
Thanks @richardeoin I have a H750 included in a board design I need to work on next year and I am leaving the DCMI pins available to investigate, I may...
Hi Tim, This is complicated, the hardware stuff is under a solderpad licence the rest I want under something like BSD, however I need to look at the ST HAL...
Actually the ST stuff has different licencing specified in the file headers (Our firmware links to these)
For all hardware SolderPad licence (including examples) for others check headers, added BSD iceboot
Let me know if that solves things for you and I can close this
A preview of the new firmware including this functionality along with refactored Ice40 programming code in C++
Solderpad license under the CAD directory