Fredrik Ohlin

Results 4 issues of Fredrik Ohlin

**Documentation request**. It would be great if this project started keeping a CHANGELOG file, documenting notable changes as development goes on. A `` would conform nicely with [@ionic-team/stencil]( as well....

Resolution: Refine

**Describe the bug** The Workflow screen fails to load. It gets stuck in the 'Loading Editorial Workflow Entries' state after showing the error message `Failed to load entry: TypeError: Cannot...

area: ui/editorial-workflow
type: bug

Thanks for publishing this project! The README states > Mainteinance Status: Actively Maintained but the activity seems to have stagnated and there are a few sensible PRs hanging. There is...

The [NPM Library]( (``) documentation page is empty. Same situation as in #309 — perhaps the same root cause? --- Thanks for this very ambitious project! Looking forward to trying...