Austin Lanari
Austin Lanari
@jethro-solve I may make a PR if I manage to track down what's happening (I literally just discovered this and am happy it had an explanation!) but this PR will...
To be clear, `Mongo.Cursor.next_fun/2` has a pattern match that goes as such: ``` case Mongo.get_more(conn, coll, cursor, opts) do {:ok, %{"cursor" => %{"id" => cursor, "nextBatch" => []}}} -> {:halt,...
+1 to darkdragon/iblech's patch
Having a similar issue but with trying to require nokogiri. It seems to be compiling the extensions right and entering nokogiri.bundle into nokogiri/nokogiri, but when nokogiri rb comes to require...
Thanks for the reply, @lorennorman. What impressed me was that nokogiri actually did appear to be building off of the extensions and putting things in the correct place; but, there...