Nicolás Sanguinetti

Results 11 issues of Nicolás Sanguinetti

The RubyConf Uruguay talk left me thinking that allowing aliases had to be stupid simple, so here's a take on it :)

Specifically, the [`minitest-reporters`]( gem relies on `$VIM` being set to identify when running through vim to disable any fancy formatting and just outputting test results in a format that can...

This allows us passing a buffer that escapes tainted strings by default, reducing the risk of us forgetting to escape user input, for example.

Introduce the notion of errors giving some context into why the validation failed. Fixes This change breaks backwards compatibility.

Something I've run into often is that validation errors can't be fully compressed into a single code. A common enough case is validating length: ``` ruby assert_length :username, 3..16 ```...

So, we use Disque for two things at the moment: - performing long-running tasks of our ruby app in the background - message queue between our ruby and golang apps...

Instead of depending on Celluloid, which is complex and way too much for what we actually nead, this sets up a ConnectionPool that checks out nothing (i.e. the connections are...

The idea here is to simplify including "root keys" in serialized objects. Right now, the simplest way of achieving this is by overwriting `to_json` and similar methods on the serializers...

This works as a user-script to inject the [MinuteDock]( script into a Fluid app, and also shows a dock badge when you need to work more time :) ``` javascript...

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