I got error when try to use code without auth $instagram = new \InstagramScraper\Instagram(new \GuzzleHttp\Client()); $nonPrivateAccountMedias = $instagram->getMedias('Kevin'); echo $nonPrivateAccountMedias[0]->getLink(); So it's doesn't work?
Hi there! How to generate PDF with 2-3 pages ? I'v tried to make 2 html in 1 view - but seems it's not right way. Pls help)
The error is Causes: - Empty response Error occurred {"exception":"[object] (Webklex\\PHPIMAP\\Exceptions\\ResponseException(code: 0): Command failed to process: Causes: \t- Empty response Error occurred at .../vendor/webklex/php-imap/src/Exceptions/ResponseException.php:53)
Hello! New iPad OS detected as computer. In new version Apple use core like on Mac