Lorenzo Fontana

Results 36 issues of Lorenzo Fontana

HI! I'm really enjoying your golf server so thanks for your job at first place. I want to suggest you to upgrade your server PHP version to 5.6 so that...

The nginx.org ngx_http_v2_module page states: ``` Note that accepting HTTP/2 connections over TLS requires the “Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation” (ALPN) TLS extension support, which is available only since OpenSSL version 1.0.2....

There are a few boring escape characters.

Ephemeral containers seem a valid alternative for kubectl trace. This issue is open so that we can explore them within kubectl trace and post the results https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/ephemeral-containers/

Kubectl trace is becoming quite complex, it has a lot of possible options and commands combinations, also there are features that are not completely clear, like is the namespace parameter...

I'm exploring the idea to allow users to add scheduled traces to this project. A scheduled trace is a trace that runs at a specific time in a similar way...

## tl;dr We don't want to start bpftrace as a cli anymore, we want to start a server that can parse bpftrace programs and move the whole cli experience to...

In https://github.com/iovisor/kubectl-trace/pull/39 @BondAnthony made possible to have automated releases using goreleaser. I'm opening this issue to follow up some improvements on that area so that we don't forget what's left...

At the moment of writing this issue, kubectl trace only supports X86-64 as target architecture. The tool should be able to schedule bpftrace programs against all the architectures supported by...

good first issue

At FOSDEM @alban showed the usage of kubectl trace with cgroups v2 in order to filter tasks in a container. This issue is here to formalize that content in the...
