Chris, Thanks for the suggestion, but it's not working for me (as yet, anyway). In my `void _onLocation(bg.Location location)` I have added: ```dart // handle throttling updates to Firebase if...
But if I do that, won't I get no locations sent to Firebase? I still want a location sent every 10 seconds.
OK - Sorry - my misunderstanding. I have set both branches of the if statement to: `bg.BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig(bg.Config(maxRecordsToPersist: 0))` All locations are still being sent to Firebase...!
OK not meaning to imply anything. Just is case it's relevant, in my initial `bg.config` I have: ```dart bgConfigToApply = bg.Config( persistMode: saveToBGsqlDBandLiveTrack, ..... ``` where ```dart int saveToBGsqlDBandLiveTrack =...
Chris, I've changed my manual throttling of location updates to Cloud Firestore, to the following. ```dart // handle throttling updates to Firebase if (liveFireStoreEnabled) { DateTime now = DateTime.now(); if(now.isAfter(lastUpdateToFirebase.add(Duration(seconds:...
Chris, I appreciate that my question above is not top of your priority list, so I've deployed this solution to my production App anyway. It seems to work OK. One...
OK - thanks - no problems - I'll look forward to it in due course.
Chris, Is this still in your forward plans? I certainly would find it valuable for my MapRunF App, and I can't think of a way to achieve the outcome without...
Chris, Is this in your current plans? Anything I can do to assist? (I'm assuming it would require changes on the native end(s) - which is why I haven't tried...
Chris, I'm pretty sure that when I do: `bg.BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig(bg.Config(persistMode: bg.Config.PERSIST_MODE_NONE)); ` any data queued up in the internal SQL database (that hasn't been sent to Firebase) will be discarded. This...