Fabricio Quagliariello

Results 9 comments of Fabricio Quagliariello

I'll work in this, please assign me.

I've been overloaded. Sorry about that. I have some code I'll be pushing today or tomorrow. Sorry for the delay

@aclowes' solution worked for me. Thanks pal! :+1:

Experienced the same problem here. I'm curious is this related to the `ready` method? What's the purpose of listening for termination?

would be great to have this added

@vladgolubev I haven't tried again after reporting the issue. I'll try today again and come back to you. Thanks!

+1 Same issue as @topac , would like to pass options to the `Moped::Collection#aggregate` method. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.aggregate/#db.collection.aggregate (see the option cursor)

@josephrexme Thanks a lot, man. You saved the day.

Hey hello. Is there an update on the Drag and Drop feature? It's the only thing is stopping us to use this.