Frank Milthaler

Results 8 comments of Frank Milthaler

I like this idea and think this would bring good value to the user. Do you want to go ahead and add this feature?

Hi, and apologies for the late response. I presume you are doing something like this: ``` # ticker names: names = ["S&P", "FSTE", "Nikkei"] # build portfolio: pf = build_portfolio(names=names)...

While testing this, I noticed that FinQuant should result in a better error message, if one of the stocks could not be downloaded from Quandl (Yahoo Finance/yfinance gives an appropriate...

Hi @gargs2241, and thanks for giving FinQuant a try. About the column `Allocation`, you have several options: **Set allocation as how much money you wish to invest initially**: You can...

@PietropaoloFrisoni, if you are interested in this, you could have a look at this as well: [Cover's Universal portfolio algorithm]( Papers are listed as references, else you'll find information about...

I actually am less interested in adding this, but I thought this might be interesting for you and your learning. Whenever you want to look into it, I'd be happy...

Thank you both for contributing to the project by reporting this and providing more insights. I've been gone for a long time and just recently returned to this project. I...

@PietropaoloFrisoni if you are interested in this, you could look into this. Just a suggestion :) If you want to, assign this issue to yourself please.