
Results 14 issues of flyyy

When do you have the plan to release the code of "Motion Guided 3D Pose Estimation from Videos"?

Thanks for sharing this great and interesting work! I want to know when will you release the training code?

The PARE model can only test on 3DPW, but the paper test on 3DPW, 3DPW-OCC and 3DOH. So how to test the PARE model on 3DPW-OCC and 3DOH datasets?

In the config, PARE uses "keypoint_dst='smpl_49'" in [hrnet_w32_conv_pare_coco_cache]( or "keypoint_dst='smpl_24'" in [hrnet_w32_conv_pare_mix_cache]( while HMR uses "keypoint_dst='smpl_54'" in [resnet50_hmr_pw3d_e50_cache]( I want to know what is the difference between them and why...

The results reported by CLIFF in PA-MPJPE on 3DPW are 45.7 mm (Res-50), and 43.0 mm (HR-W48). But the given pretrained model is 47.38 mm (Res-50). And the CLIFF paper...

I install torch1.13.0+cuda116 and mmcv using: ``` conda install pytorch==1.13.0 torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia pip install "mmcv-full>=1.3.17,

In the [PARE log](, the camera_loss always equal 0.0000, why ?

请问论文中的表1在3DPW、Human3.6M、AGORA的评估结果,是用同一个模型测试的吗? 若不是。我在 看到在3DPW评估的模型训练数据为[0.4, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2] for [H36M, in-the-wild datasets, 3DHP, 3DPW] ,那么在Human3.6M、AGORA评估的模型,训练数据用的是哪些,如何划分?

The paper reports the result with training on 3DPW (PA-MPJPE=43.0). But many papers report the result without training on 3DPW, I want to know the result without training on 3DPW?

When I run the, I get the FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory 'MONEY/NoisyAudio/-5dB/MONEY_00581.npz'