
Results 8 issues of Xfly

hello, Your peper describes the advantages of minipolish in polishing the genome of prokaryotes. Is minipolish suitable for polishing of eukaryotes genome?

不知道是不是我个人的原因。这种带衬线的字体看着有点别扭。 ![TIM截图20190416145134](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20431495/56188129-3ccd0080-6057-11e9-8ef2-e9ebf4809984.jpg) ![TIM截图20190416145212](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20431495/56188133-3e96c400-6057-11e9-9160-b0781de41591.jpg) 可不可以考虑换别的字体,如:**Cabin,Arial,Open Sans,甚至是Consolas**,都是免费直观的字体。

close_fds is not supported on Windows platforms if you redirect stdin/stdout/stderr

If CONSENT can be downloaded from conda (my system gcc is too low)


My computer doesn't have GCC 6.0+, so I downloaded the binary Whisper。 But,It seemed that the binary file did not work on linux。 ***** Stage 1. Reference sequence construction (direct)...

`--unalign` is a switch to delete unaligned data, use 1 to open and 0 to close

Thank you very much for the krait software, but I can’t understand what the standard motif in the SSRs search results means. Can you explain?