
Results 8 comments of flyerH

抖动的问题我最近试着解决了一下,目前达到的效果是到达鼠标半径的点,停止运动,也就不再抖动。 但考虑到还有一种效果,就是到达鼠标半径的点,围绕鼠标做圆周运动,而不是内外的抖动,但也不停止运动,不知道最终要做成哪种效果?

> > 我貌似搞定了……刚好今天上午公司事少就自己想了想这个问题。 > > 基本思路:记录一个加速度变量,加速度的方向和取值根据到鼠标点的距离计算,然后点位置重绘方法放到后面,重新计算位置时加上加速度就好了。 > > 主要是这几处: > > ```js > > t.forEach(function(i){ > > for(v=0;v > x=w[v]; > > savex=null; > > if(i!==x&&null!==x.x&&null!==x.y){ > > B=i.x-x.x, >...

作者您好!之前有道题,通过看您的文章,大致有了一个猜想,但是还是不能很清晰的说出原因,烦请您看一下,谢谢! ```js let nAdd; let t = () => { let n = 99; nAdd = () => { n++; }; let t2 = () => { console.log(n); }; return...

@mqyqingfeng 非常感谢您的解答,谢谢!

@leonardoanalista Hello, can you look this problem? If you don't have time, maybe I can help.

> > @leonardoanalista Hello, can you look this problem? If you don't have time, maybe I can help. > > @flyerH +1,is there any solution? fork & fix

Same problem and I use an another ssr framework

@domchristie Hello, do you have time to transfer ownership? There are some PR & Issues waiting to be processed.