Florian Reinhart

Results 6 comments of Florian Reinhart

I dug into this a little more. Here is what I’ve found. There is an issue tracking the double/string conversion issue: [SR-106: description returns a rounded value of Double](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-106). I...

A short term fix that we could implement: `String(format: "%.16e", self)`

[SR-106](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-106) has been fixed since Swift 4.2. And also [SR-7195](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-7195) was fixed in apple/swift-corelibs-foundation#1722 and will be part of Swift 5.

Hi @phranck, This should be possible with [`func alongTrackDistance(toPath path: (start: Coordinate, end: Coordinate)) -> Distance`](https://github.com/florianreinhart/Geodesy/blob/3c3b463beaaa76ac99f3de74217161225a2114c5/Sources/GeodesySpherical/Coordinate.swift#L358). However, This function returns the distance from `start` on your path. You could then...

It should be quite accurate on a sphere (which is the model that is used for the calculation). You could try doing the coordinate calculation with `MKMapPoint`s and calculate the...

Oh yeah! You need to convert your `MKMapPoint`s to `CLLocationCoordinate2D`. The `Coordinate` type of this library is equivalent to `CLLocationCoordinate2D`.