Florian Hartig

Results 249 comments of Florian Hartig

Hi Sara, sorry for the late reply. With this kind of questions, it's hard to give precise answers without interacting with the data, but I will share a few ideas:...

OK, your first 4 models essentially look like this (this is M1). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5457753/106504705-95d58500-64c7-11eb-80af-1835684b883e.png) My concern with this figure is that, as you see, there are no data that reach to...

Reply from the user: > I tried your suggestions to improve the fit : > > 1) By transforming the response (with powerTransform function) and fit a linear mixed model...

Just for reference: this was the original beta model: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5457753/107388109-c59f1100-6af5-11eb-8be8-75aa7def46fb.png) So, just to summarise: if I got everything correctly your results regarding Shannon are that - simple LMM suggest no...

Mea culpa, I have been wanting to write this paper for so long. Maybe this summer. I had some other people asking about it. About other references: I think there...

See discussion here https://twitter.com/jebyrnes/status/1309564548207325185

This is similar to https://github.com/florianhartig/DHARMa/issues/34 ... adding categorical or ordinal responses is on my mind, but currently not top priority, also because it would require a complete new class of...

It seems tidybayes has something that goes in this direction https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidybayes/vignettes/tidybayes-residuals.html#randomized-quantile-residuals-for-a-discrete-distribution

Suggestion from Louise McMillan > I wondered whether you've heard of the "sure" R package, related to the > 2018 paper by Liu & Zhang which proposes a "surrogate residuals"...

Here a piece of code that calculates DHARMa residuals for a fitted psem object ``` library(piecewiseSEM) mod = psem( lm(rich ~ distance + elev + abiotic + age + hetero...