Florian Hartig

Results 249 comments of Florian Hartig

Hello Rui, you can control package export by hand, but per default in BT, your entire environment (data + packages) are exported, so be careful what you have in your...

Hi Rui, MCMCs are usually not parallelizable, because the next step depends on the previous step. There are only a few specific things that can me parallelised, e.g. you can...

No, currently my idea is that BT will only include "black box samplers" that do not require either derivatives or the structure of the likelihood. For Gibbs or NUTS, you...

Hello Koen, sorry that it took me so long to answer. Regarding the prior: can't you just write in the prior: if not on land set likelihood -Inf or subtract...

ok, great. p.s.: I wrote likelihood but would be more logical to put this into the prior although technically there is no difference.

Yes, for gaussian / binomial, weights have a particular meaning in the likelihood / data-generating model, but for Poisson, the weights are just weights on the likelihood and have no...

This would be an addition to https://rdrr.io/cran/BayesianTools/man/calibrationTest.html

So, this reference https://faculty.washington.edu/ezivot/econ584/notes/armaestimation.pdf gives the following formula for the likelihood ![image](https://github.com/florianhartig/BayesianTools/assets/5457753/5b532c46-85ff-4d4d-9b62-6b83bdc54f25) Check - If this is identical to the code - Can we have a citable reference for this,...

OK, I think this wasn't resolved yet but we agreed the scaling is wrong and we have to change either help or (preferred) the code?

Thanks Reinier ... I'll leave it open for now to check later if this has been fixed in glmMTMB, but will likely not address this in DHARMa.