Florian Hartig

Results 253 comments of Florian Hartig

Hi, OK, first a few comments very similar to #201: - Do you have a non-parallel likelihood written for your model? If not, I would definitely start with that before...

Hi Adrienne, about your likelihood: this sounds reasonable, this is roughly also what I always did when having to deal with models with file I/O. From there, note the following...

p.s. thanks for your questions - I realize the documentation on this is not ideal and I should update this, but I find it hard to find the time for...

Hi Adrienne, the algorithms can generally use as many cores as you have internal chains, for DEzs, the default is 3! About your other points: yes, if you create your...

Hi Jared, thanks for that! I had planned to do some long overdue maintenance on this package in the next days anyway, and will bump this to the top of...

Yep. I will leave this open for now because I don't think it's particularly critical and having looked at getSample I get the feeling we should have a more general...

Create a bunch of test functions with different # parameters and test!

Hi Max, have a look at this https://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/bg-2018-96/ for the solution with Gaussian random fields

Alternative would be the https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/esaddle/index.html package

Hi Alexey, thanks for reporting that. I urgently need to do a major cleanup for BT, just difficult to find the time at the moment. Will try to fix this...