Florian Bussmann

Results 8 comments of Florian Bussmann

@gandarez I used Microsoft Word with the wakatime Office Add-In (2.1.0) and there you can edit documents on OneDrive remotely

These are my results on FUNSD dataset using PICK with default settings but increased MAX_BOXES_NUM to 220 ``` +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | name | mEP | mER | mEF | mEA |...

Maybe this may help https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_core/issues/191#issuecomment-835107240

Duplicate of #518 Beware that `include_all_commits=true` uses an experimental API as stated here https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/pull/211/

Yes, the expected behavior is to show the contributions from last year and I support your opinion that this is misleading https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/pull/211#issue-457030914

Have you checked the option "Display languages, editors, os, categories publicly" at https://wakatime.com/settings/profile ? Because on your public profile (https://wakatime.com/@shaoxiongdu) the coding time is available but no languages are listed..

@Muhammadyusuf96 @nemchik @Kalsyc Could you try changing `Display code time publicly` to `Last 7 Days` at https://wakatime.com/settings/profile? The wakatime card should then update every 4 hours or whatever timerange you...

> Is this a bug with the wakatime API? I would think I should be able to set `All Time` but still request `last_7_days` from the API? I don't think...