This is one of the topic that has been selected during the WP1 F2F meeting in Padova to be addressed in RDMkit. [Google doc from WP1.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QgWyD73AyhP3B8dZ4Lu91RzqY_q11GAW9MQVloWKNPc/edit#heading=h.58yb4u5em02r)
Hi, thanks for your feedback! Would you be interested in helping us improving the findability of the information you are looking for? If yes, would you be available for a...
Hi, thank you for your valuable feedback. Is the information about "how one should proceed to select a research data repository", that you were looking for, present in this page:...
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions. Your feedback is highly valuable and will help improving RDMkit. You, your colleagues or researchers are very welcome...
I don't know enough to decide what's storage and what's data deposition. Dataverse was added because some institutes host a local instance that is used to store and share data...
> @lauportell @floradanna Can you discuss how we handle linking towards multiple places in the https://www.health-ri.nl/? I would suggest to only link once to the https://www.health-ri.nl website (instead of having...
@MijkeJetten I noticed that at leat 10 links added as separate National resources are actually sub-pages of the main website https://www.health-ri.nl/services/ . Do you think you can just add the...
This is also one of the topic that has been selected during the WP1 F2F meeting in Padova to be extended. [Google doc from WP1.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J_p0LbckP7_BKzGRGvuwCNFG4Ej5tmsrsStV_AZMjIo/edit#heading=h.58yb4u5em02r) Content missing: how do you...
Related issue: https://github.com/elixir-europe/rdmkit/issues/364
I see. We actually plan to use the Custom Metadata feature but for ISA and/or Repositories metadata (not for MIAPPE only). So, it could be an advantage to have "generic"...