Flo Kosiol

Results 15 comments of Flo Kosiol

This is a great idea. I did a quick research and found this forum post: https://forum.getkirby.com/t/image-sizes-in-block-preview/22726/2?u=flokosiol It doesn't seem to be that easy and my spare time is extremely limited...

Ah, good idea. I never tested to replace an image so I never came across this issue.

Just collecting some hints here: - [Subscribe to global panel events](https://forum.getkirby.com/t/listen-to-panel-events-in-a-custom-vue-component/13453/6?u=flokosiol) - [Github search results for existing panel file events](https://github.com/getkirby/kirby/search?q=this.%24events.%24emit%28%22file) And a link to my forum question: https://forum.getkirby.com/t/global-panel-event-for-file-update/20584?u=flokosiol

Mmmh … for me everything works fine. Latest Kirby 2.5.7, latest Subpagelist 2.0.4, Mac OS, Chrome 62 ![bildschirmfoto 2017-12-07 um 16 21 28](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11918336/33722659-e494672c-db6a-11e7-9e6d-2d87d855c836.png) What's your Browser? Does this error also...

I'm also using tabs (tabs field) 🙈 https://github.com/afbora/Kirby-Tabs-Field Does it work, if you create a blueprint with no other fields than the subpagelist?

Thanks for reporting. Unfortunately `time()` does not work here, because the content of the file is parsed as **yaml** and not as **php**. I will try to find a solution...

Could you please check, if your folder structure looks like this? `site/plugins/translations/` Depending on how you installed the plugin, the folder has to be renamed. Your blueprint setup looks fine...

Mmmh, alright. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to debug from the outside. I re-checked it with a fresh Starterkit and the latest translations version 1.0.1 and everything works fine for...

I think you already recognized that @Daandelange will take over this plugin in the near future. As far as I can see he changed a few things under the hood...

If you don't want to change the current behavior, @groenewege, it could be a **config option** if `template()` or intendedTemplate()` should be used!?