Florian Knoop

Results 12 comments of Florian Knoop

@nbehrnd you are completely right with the non-optimal naming scheme, but maybe you'd agree that `fprettify` should not break the code as shown in the example irrespective of non-optimal naming?

I also get constant `HTTP error 400` messages when trying to sync to my gitlab repository. This currently puts me into some trouble since my repos are now out of...

I'll do as soon as the problem shows up again (so hopefully never, haha). Thanks for the quick reply!

Simply providing the `.tex` file would be great. I was successful with using the Makefile, but it is slightly outdated and this overall felt like an unneccesary exercise.

FYI: My preprint got rejected even after appealing with a reference to [arxiv's policy on short works](https://blogs.cornell.edu/arxiv/2019/06/21/policy-on-short-works/).

I feel the `-f` is there to supress file suggestions when one is still fishing for options (with `-f` removed one sees file suggestions always). Thus I think it should...

I use this fork for now: https://github.com/flokno/click-completion/tree/fish_complete_files Any comments/suggestions on how to approach this?

This was only recently added to toml itself: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/pull/676/ Edit: Wait, I think 2 different issues are going on here. The first is that indeed ``` [config] list = [...

Comment: Maybe it's not the preprocessor per se, since apparently there are some checks: https://github.com/pseewald/fprettify/blob/master/fprettify/fparse_utils.py#L35-L46

A more minimal example. It seems that `\ddot` triggers the error. With `$$`: $$ \ddot{a}_{a_b} a_{b} $$ With ` ```math`: ```math \ddot{a}_{a_b} a_{b} ```