Florent Bonomo
Florent Bonomo
this issue is already reported here: https://github.com/KraigM/homebridge-wink/issues/37
yes, reverting to a node version < 6 seems to solve the issue. You could also simply comment out [these lines](https://github.com/winfinit/wink-js/blob/master/index.js#L134-L137) on your install, these are not used anyway in...
Comments in JavaScript should be `//`, not `#`
[Wink API states](http://docs.wink.apiary.io/#reference/device/alarm/get-power-strip) that the Quirky Powerstrip is a legacy device that requires special handling: > As a legacy device, the power strip is a bit unique. The device itself...
As described [here](https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge/issues/625), it sounds like the API v2 has somehow been broken. The `desired_state` property of the `device` object is an empty hash, while the `last_reading.connection` property is `undefined`....
Related: https://github.com/hypriot/image-builder-rpi/issues/342
@jdee any solution to solve this issue? In our app, we never call `reInitSession` and are also experiencing this issue - this prevents deep links from working when the app...
I'm also reproducing this error while running `0.9.4`.
@shilman I would love to help taking a stab at this issue, and before I start digging into SB vast codebase, I would welcome any pointers / high level guidance...
`test-runner` is only [compatible with Storybook 6.X until version 0.9.4](https://github.com/storybookjs/test-runner/tree/next#storybook-compatibility), and installing `0.9.4` cause this issue locally for me: ``` Validation Error: Module @storybook/test-runner/playwright/transform in the transform option was not...