
Results 72 comments of Šarūnas

If you are not signed in, you won't be able to see ahead/behind

What I meant is that github requires you to login in order to see ahead/behind

Looks like it. Also, it's probably against Github policy to scrape this info, might be best to start using Github API.

Yes, you are absolutely right on this one, documentation is too deep. But, someone managed to dig it up: https://api.github.com/repos/{repoOwner}/{repository}/compare/master...{forkOwner}:master or in c# using octokit await client.Repository.Commit.Compare(...); You will need...

Hello, @GregFinzer I'm looking to make some valuable pull requests for Octoberfest. I use this project at work and at home, and I would gladly help with some maintenance during...

@andrerav does this project participate in hacktoberfest ? There are some issues that the community could help out with.

Long time ago I had idea to use this project as knowledge base system. I wanted to create blocks and create links to specific block.

@jamesrm9235 glad to hear that you would like to contribute 😊 Is there specific area you like to contribute ? From current task, this one can be implemented: https://github.com/YetAnotherPomodoroApp/YAPA-2/issues/113 I...

Awesome! Let me know if you have any questions Noda time would be a good addition to the project. I was also looking into adding https://cakebuild.net/ to the project, to...

@flxflks can you tell more about your use case? if you have three machines where you run application, you would like to merge pomodoros from two machines and view them...