
Results 72 comments of Šarūnas

This is interesting, and I see potential here. Need to think more about this, we could have built-in tasks, or we could sync with some other systems that focus mainly...

Hello, Currently there is no export in YAPA 2, but I think this is good idea. There are two options 1. Add simple import, which would merge two databases. 2....

@DerTrolde It's nice to hear that someone uses flow like that. I would love to make this flow much easier with some kind of project management.

@DerTrolde You could create different profiles for each work you are doing, lets say one is for work, other for personal project 1, personal project 2 ... With this release...

Hi, currently there is no way to do that, but I think that it would be great addition.

Hey, Entire structure and build process is to complex. I will spend some time this week to clean all issues and change structure.

Good catch, looks like you need to create empty Build/Release folder. 1. Run Build.cmd 2. Run CreateNuget.ps1 (make sure Build/Release folder exists). All necessary files will be downloaded, and full...

Coloring is implemented, but a bit differently. Green - work Red - work ended Orange - break

Didn't even knew you could change/synchronize taskbar color, It might be fun to have this functionality, after quick googling, looks like it's not that simple https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3522861/how-to-get-taskbar-background-color would need to do...

Tried to run this branch, looks like application is invisible for some reason, tried changing theme from dark to white, but same issue. App is not visible and not clickable.