Felix Halpaap

Results 34 comments of Felix Halpaap

I suspect that the SDS client shouldn't cause the problems as it doesn't really touch functions in C that probably cause the segfault. But to cause the segfault, it seems...

@krischer @amkearns-usgs I implemented what you commented here regarding the interpolation in this PR: https://github.com/amkearns-usgs/obspy/pull/5 : > 1. I think instead of having a boolean flag `fast` it would be...

> Thanks for those comments @flixha I agree and will get onto them! I'm not fond of setting the process spawning method, even in a context manager, mostly to ensure...

The `if __name__ == "__main__":` did solve it indeed here!

I get the deadlock both in ipython (in a window in VScode) and when running with python from the terminal. I have not generally had the deadlock-problem with EQcorrscan's functions...

Thanks for your thoughts on this! When doing the template-creation in parallel, I use `parallel=False, cores=1` for the `pre_processing`. In total that makes it fast because most time in my...

Hi Calum, I noticed an issue with the Resource-ID links when reading Quakeml files in parallel in subprocesses, see https://github.com/obspy/obspy/issues/2842 . I haven't seen the problem in this implementation here...

I now added a test case for ocean bottom seismometer data, with 4 channels (HDH and HHZ for P-waves), and with T-arrivals (that should also be handled on the vertical...

In Scipy>1.9.0, there is no more `"hanning"` window; rather it's only accessible now as `"hann"`; see: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.windows.hann.html

Tests still failing due to the same hanning-issue in obspy (see https://github.com/obspy/obspy/pull/3117), so I'm setting a limit on the Scipy-version (