Florian Karuhtz

Results 6 comments of Florian Karuhtz

> In that class those variable already exist > Yes, I found them while doing my replacements and assigned new values to them when parsing the 'G' option in [L646](https://github.com/flesser/php-smartypants/blob/german-quotes/Michelf/SmartyPants.php#L646)....

> It might be helpfull if you can post whats ZHA exposes from the Thermostat I'm using ZHA with [Eurotronic SPZB0001](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Eurotronic_SPZB0001.html) and [Popp 701721](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Popp_701721.html) (mostly identical with [Danfoss 014G2461](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Danfoss_014G2461.html)?) and...

I really like the read-only and directory-first approach of PiGallery2, which is what makes it much better suited for light-weight installations than e.g. Lychee (which seems to use its own...

Here's my Work in Progress (and mostly quick&dirty) fork with support for trashing images/videos while playing, similar to what the OP @knguyen0105 asked for: https://github.com/flesser/pigallery2/tree/trashsupport Basically, once you enable the...

Similar error when trying to create events with dates after 2038 (in my case: via DAVx⁵ from Android Smartphone): ```xml OC\DB\Exceptions\DbalException An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric...