I have the same issue as https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/issues/28769#issuecomment-1897968744
The last dev build fixed the issue. Thanks a lot @liamdebeasi for your amazing work! Have a good day
If no one is working on this issue, I can make a PR. I have already worked few hours on SB 3.1 and testcontainers
Point 1 will require extra help. I'm not sure to succeed by myself About the point 2 we can use restart true provided by testcontainers. It's an experimental feature but...
Many thanks @KarthikRIyer your last comment save me hours of debug
Thanks guys for your feedbacks! I will implement it shortly
I added a commit to implement the fallback behaviour. Feel free to comment
Thanks a lot! I'm not also a JS expert so maybe there is some parts to improve
I removed it. I'm seeing a step in red because my commit is not signed. Is it a mandatory policy? I've never seen this policy in other open source projects...
Done @greg0ire :wink: