Flavian Missi
Flavian Missi
Hi! Not sure if helpful, but sharing in case it is. I've just experienced a connection refused in my local colima, running on macOS 11.6.2 with colima 0.3.2. My containers...
Hi @matthewwithanm, thanks for getting back to me! It was actually failing silently, I'm using Heroku so the situation gets even worse as Heroku's router doesn't logs anything when a...
Glad to hear you're open to it! I understand the problem. I like the multiple images solution, there could be a base "abstract" image without any backend set up (and...
hey @mosen, did you have any plans of implementing `validate_client_id_and_secret`[1] in this PR? [1] https://github.com/quay/quay/pull/473/files#diff-444473ce9154266d39f66c801d863b71eec414cf0a0222bd04154a5bad537565R74-R76
Gotcha. I'm probing to team about getting this moving, but can't say where we'll go from here just yet. Will keep you posted.
I brought this up internally with the team - will report back when I have news.
Our PM is positive towards this feature. @mosen I just noticed this has some config app related changes - we have moved the config app to its own repository: https://github.com/quay/config-tool/tree/master/pkg/lib/editor/js/core-config-setup,...
do we still need this @hdonnay ?
Not sure if I understand what you mean with that. `docker import` requires an image tarball, which may come from stdin or a url: [see here](http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/commandline/cli/#import), so where the registry...