using your git repository, i get no info from the server, also followin the quickstart guide in my own project, i dont get any logs. even when i manually set...
"Random Culture: African" etc; choose civ based on native culture from game menu. Examine how Ashes of Erebus manages this to select Random Alignment, mechanism should be importable. CvGame.cpp in...
Review all base combat details that would influence success of one unit against another, iCombat, First Strikes, Combat Modifier tags.
A branch has been made where a first attempt at researching how long_long would work for research branch: MattOttawa:research_long_long_3 Lets keep the reasons for doing this change in this issue,...
Looks like more old debug code that we might not need in FFreeListTrashArray and FFreeListArray: int getCorruptedAdjustment() const { return m_iCorruptedAdjustment; } void setCorruptedAdjustment(int iNewValue) { m_iCorruptedAdjustment = iNewValue; }...