Results 12 comments of fl0werD It's okay without split (just sending by message_begin) Maybe delete split?

> What about lower resolutions? I think it's task to author's plugin.

> Did you measured how many memory wasted fakemeta? Not a little. You can ask SISA for load schedules.

They are same because the default args and your is the same. [](url)

@metita check RewardType into You can block these rewards in AddAccount pre.

> This is suposed to reinitialize counts only to get num? lol The native above recalculate players count for members and also you can put they in your variables at...


> I have a couple of plugins that utilize CBasePlayerSpawn and CBasePlayerKilled hooks to cache whether a player is alive or dead. Why?

да серьезно а ты че не верил

It's useful for zombie modes, can you add api for 170?