
Results 18 comments of fjqingyou

> @fjqingyou Use for China > > ``` > curl -fsSL | sed 's/' | sh > ``` curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 502

> @fjqingyou Use for China > > ``` > curl -fsSL | sed 's/' | sh > ``` ``` root@iZuf6hm5k8qkewj1rreq0qZ:~# curl -fsSL | sed 's/' | sh curl:...

我尝试过了。也成功了。但是不合适 因为我自己试用了几分钟,报错了。查看错误原因,被谷歌翻译判定为频繁访问翻译的攻击。。。无奈的是。字幕是一句话翻译一次,两句话之间的间隔可能很短,,持续几次就被谷歌翻译拦截掉, 哪怕我设置了每一句翻译后间隔4秒钟才翻译下一句。。大约翻译了40句左右。。又封禁了。。。 经常被封禁了翻译。。所以我暂时放弃了谷歌翻译了

出错时,服务器不给json内容了。会得到下面的结果。。你可以复制保存问html文件,用浏览器查看它 ``` HTML Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen? This page appears when Google automatically...

@aclihub 想到了可变json可能,测试后修改方案后可行了。为了统一管理,发布成了新git。 地址是 [](

我去。。。。抱歉抱歉,一不小心看错了你要表达的东东了。。 汗。。百度方面之前没注意到有类似功能的消息。。。

if with else statement is 2. but, i found an default setting 'Codemetrics › Luaconfiguration: Elseif Clause' is 1 It seems that ‘else if’ are recognized as ‘else’ and ‘if’...

find a gif,but $ py -3 -m pip install asciinema bash: py: command not found

#441 I need using await, so i can't usin callback mode