Francisco José Fernández Naranjo
Francisco José Fernández Naranjo
If you don't think this will help another users you should consider dropping the feature request completely (we can close the Issue). But I suspect that the users asking about...
> Hehehe, i'm sorry @fjfnaranjo it seems a bit confuse your solution, from the point of view of usability. No problem :) Why do you think is confusing from a...
Another related problem I'm having: If I try to fix/ammend the log by creating an entry for the previous day (pe. for daily meds), I can change the day in...
I want to provide some feedback here. I'm also using Nerd Fonts. When I configured the icons file for the first time, they worked, but after a session restart they...
OTOH, @gokcehan, this is related to , but only from The issue starts with a different problem, but from that point, users reports similar issues. I'm also using...
Ok. I found the solution to my problem. I was using an old pattern in the -f argument for st to select the font Hack. The pattern matched my old...