More info about the errors: {'errors': [{'message': 'Hemos tenido problemas para identificarle, por favor, cierre la sesión y vuelva a iniciarla.', 'name': 'ApiError', 'time_thrown': '2022-01-10T20:24:50.140Z', 'data': {'res': 'ERROR', 'err': '60067'},...
I think there is something else. With this alarm, the website hasn't the option "Actualizar estado". The status is received using only xsStatus function. I am afraid that xsCheckAlarm is...
that would be great! Thanks.
Hi Luis, I think the problem is that for this alarm, the xSCheckAlarmStatus method is not available. The link "actualizar estado" is not visible on the frontend, the only method...
Hi, I had the same problem with the second gateway, and I have solved it. The point is the MAC Address, in the new GW it starts by 0, 04:CF:8C,......