Adrian Carpenter

Results 46 comments of Adrian Carpenter

I just came across this problem myself and "solved" it in exactly the same way, although obviously the documentation is not correct because it can't generate the relevant documentation, but...

I used a copytree function that provides the ability to set included files and pointed it at the src folder rather than src/includes and that fixes the issue. I don't...

> A simple pull request to the shoud do the trick? Ha, always the simple option! I've submitted stuff to other repo's in the past and they sometimes have...

Ok, for anybody else who gets garbled characters, the waveshare format requires that the bits be reversed.

Hey, thanks for the reply. Ok, I thought I was going mad with that page not appearing correctly... I think if it ships with an action like this out of...

urgh, not again. Something is wrong with the CI system, and I don't know why it's doing this, it's not building the universal binary version properly. I'll go take another...

third time luck @aaron-kylm . Please download it again, it *should* work now. I am very confused why the automatic build is not generating the correct binary, all I did...

Be aware that I may have broken sutff/created memory leaks with the substantial changes I made of the past week or so. I tried to do as much testing as...

@aaron-kylm Did you manage to run any tests? Any feedback, horrific crashes, glitches or weirdness? I'm just adding the generating of outputs now, hopefully you will be able to directly...

> Hi my apologies, I wanted to let this run for a few days and check it > > Here are some observations, all of my testing is done on...