Results 25 comments of

Thank you for the kind words. :) It is possible to do this. In fact, we do it on []( If a visitor to our site does not have ad...

We should really document this aspect of Full-Text RSS. Currently the author name extracted from the article is only used when the input feed doesn’t contain author information. If the...

@HolgerAusB Thanks, we'll take a look soon and try to add it to the config. You're right that at the moment the config.php is only updated with each new release....

Thanks @HolgerAusB @j0k3r! I'm happy for these to be merged until we can improve the fingerprint handling in Full-Text RSS. I think in the future these fingerprints should really exist...

I quite like this suggestion. There was a proposal a while back using symlinks to achieve something similar, but I was concerned the symlinks wouldn't survive different systems and packaging...

I like having the fingerprint option too, in such a way that they can be maintained independent of the code. So I'm open to implementing both options. To me, the...

Will test and post again this weekend.

@j0k3r @Kdecherf, sorry completely forgot about this. Thanks for the reminder. I've tested a bit now, but I can't see any specific URLs that these changes are trying to improve....

@Kdecherf Unfortunately yes, we end up with inline SVG icons that we don't want. That's why I was curious if there were SVG elements that are actually related to the...

@Kdecherf if I get a chance to test again with it disabled I'll send you a screenshot. But if you want to know what kind of SVGs are included, just...