> Thanks for your reply.I am sorry for that I didn't express what I want to ask for well.I just wonder why I cannot get pass 'meson builddir'(without option the...
Thanks,it helps a lot.
@derick-montague Hello,I have a question.If we choosed socket.io, ths language of bmcweb is C++ is not adapt at language of socket.io NodeJS.How can I conquer this problem?
You need to set connectiong as 'upgrade' in vue.config.js rather than 'keep-alive'.
@gtmills Sorry,I didn;t catch your meaning.I only understand the rest option is default off and probablely '/subcribe' caused [#102](https://github.com/openbmc/webui-vue/issues/102). However, I still didn't find the shortcomming of it, likewise I...