Results 5 issues of Kazuki

Add font-Awsome feature? ``` states: [{ "id": "state_1", "icon":"fa-tv", "label": "State 1", }, { "id": "state_2", "icon":"fa-plu", "label": "State 2", }] ```

I found something error on the log.When I query ge QueryRange more than 1 hour,The error will be happend.Any one have ideas for it ? ``` level=error ts=2022-01-24T10:57:05.273404635Z caller=batch.go:699 msg="error...

I use setInterval and waiting ajax response. ``` setInterval(function(){ var timestamp = (new Date()).valueOf(); $.getJSON("/panel/update_log_list/timestamp/"+timestamp, function(json){ $('#noty_bottom_layout_container').remove(); $.each(json, function(key, value) { $('#dashboard_log_list').append( "["+value.timestamp+"]"+ "["+value.program+"]"+ "["[1]+"]["+ value.syslog_severity+"]["+value.message+"]" ); }); $('.sscroll').slimscroll({ start:...
