
Results 33 issues of 一蓑烟雨

The old site has been abandoned

Strange, why can I use someone else's modification as a PR???

hi ,great project! I saw such a piece of code in airupnp/src/airupnp.c. It seems to read the field content from the configuration file. It is copied to Device->friendlyName (256 bytes)...

hi, there seems to be a Null pointer dereference issue in the `find_env` function of the `ef-env.c` when `EF_ENV_USING_CACHE` is enable: ```c del_env(NULL, env, false); if (find_env(key, &env)) { size_t...

- GitHub 的 Markdown 不支持解析 MathJax 引擎的数学公式,在密码学部分会有显示不正确的情况 - 但是 GitBook 有官方插件支持 MathJax,可以正常显示 还是需要尽快(学习)将写作格式转换成 LaTex。

hi, great project! 1. The program has a buffer overflow problem that may not exist in reality when parsing the command line parameter "-k, --key" ```c int my_init_keys(const char *...

https://github.com/guolindev/LitePal/blob/9d9bfc9756df00bbaface9f0355eb3acd8464256/core/src/main/java/org/litepal/util/cipher/AESCrypt.java#L40 通过静态扫描工具发现的,以及IV没有使用随机数

hi, great project! I think it's better to limit the size of `res`, otherwise it may cause the program to crash, such as performing "cat /dev/random | od -x", which...


Great project! I start the container after compiling myself, and after uploading the APK, it displays “Oops! Something Went Wrong!” Is it possible to upload the compiled image to dockerhub...

Hi, useful project! 1. It would be great if there was a report generation and export function. 2. Is it possible to remove the cumbersome login authentication function and only...