Results 11 comments of Ray Sy

Hi @bellini666, `MyBaseClass` is a django graphene type that maps to a django base model. The `MyInterface ` interface I am try to create maps to an abstract django model...

Hmmm so when I tried `@strawberry.django.type(is_interface=True)` it complained: `TypeError: type() missing 1 required positional argument: 'model'` But when I tried to pass my abstract Django model as the type ``@strawberry.django.type(MyAbstractModel,...

@bellini666 ah gotcha. I tried that but I'm still getting the `expandtabs` error...

Good point, I think this might be a strawberry issue rather than a strawberry django issue

Hi all, I'm also using strawberry-django and have a similar need for pagination metadata without using Relay. My current approach is a manually resolve my list queries using a generic...

@bellini666 thanks for the explanation! > The relay connection also has a similar issue, and we workaround that internally by not doing that fetch you pointed out in here:

> Actually the opposite. qs._fetch_all() is what django does internally to cache the results, so after that iterating over the queryset will use the already fetched results instead of querying...

Hi @bellini666, thanks for adding this feature! This is a lot cleaner than the connection workaround. > Also, regarding this... I couldn't find a way right now, but it seems...

I see, thanks for the explanation! Glad there will be a more permanent fix coming in the future

@bellini666 thanks for the heads up! Will update and report back