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Results 479 flutterfire issues
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## Bug report **Describe the bug** After configure the debug mode for Firebase Analytics for iOS, on DebugView do **not** show the events. Follow [this official documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/debugview#enable_debug_mode) and this [StackOverflow...

type: bug
plugin: analytics
platform: ios

## Bug report **Describe the bug** The microseconds of `DateTime` are lost when ~~working with `ToFirestore` for a `withConverter` for a `CollectionReference`~~ being implicitly converted to Timestamp. ### Steps to...

type: bug
plugin: cloud_firestore
platform: android

…indows ## Description *Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is doing. If you're modifying existing behavior, describe the existing behavior, how this PR is changing it,...

## Bug report **Describe the bug** Trying to upload a file in a flutter isolate to firebase storage fails on iOS with the following error message. On Android, everything works...

type: bug
plugin: storage
platform: ios
blocked: flutter

Currently the example app and documentations for web only talk about how to show the notiffications. The most important part about notifications is what happens when the user clicks on...

type: documentation
good first issue
platform: web

## Bug report I have App Check setup to use the App Attest provider in my app. After releasing this version to the App Store, I'm seeing quite a few...

type: bug
platform: ios
blocked: firebase-sdk
plugin: app_check

## Description Updated the documentation to include the 'without idfa' dependency (ios) ## Related Issues Issue Number: #12081 Issue : Document how to disable IDFA collection (iOS) ## Checklist -...

In native, it is possible to disable IDFA, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/configure-data-collection?platform=ios#disable-IDFA-collection. At some point, this issue has been created https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/discussions/6030, and fixed https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/pull/6046. The new switch in `Podfile` was first documented...

type: documentation
good first issue
plugin: analytics

## Description I tested this with user's example and it worked as intended. The JS error is correctly parsed and instantiated as a Dart credential if it exists. If not,...

## Description - Works with SPM and Cocoapods. To use SPM, remove `Podfile` as well as run `pod deintegrate` in the `example/ios` directory. You will know it worked when you...