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[Bug] FireStore - iOS 12 crash on fetch data
[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
- Unity editor version: 2020.3.41f1
- Firebase Unity SDK version: v11.3, v11.0
- Source you installed the SDK: .unitypackage
- Problematic Firebase Component: Firestore
- Other Firebase Components in use: Auth, Crashlytics, Analytics,Installations
- Additional SDKs you are using: Ironsource,facebook
- Platform you are using the Unity editor on: Mac
- Platform you are targeting: iOS, Android
- Scripting Runtime: IL2CPP
- Pre-built SDK from the website or open-source from this repo: this repo
Downgrading to v10.2.0 is working properly
[REQUIRED] Please describe the issue here:
0 grpcpp +0x4f18 0x4f18 (0x4ea8 + 112)
1 grpcpp +0x2b1a4 0x2b1a4 (0x2b18c + 24)
2 grpcpp +0x2b2e8 0x2b2e8 (0x2b2d8 + 16)
3 FirebaseFirestore +0x905e4 firebase::firestore::remote::GrpcConnection::CreateChannel() const
4 FirebaseFirestore +0x9034c firebase::firestore::remote::GrpcConnection::EnsureActiveStub()
5 FirebaseFirestore +0x90a90 firebase::firestore::remote::GrpcConnection::CreateStream(absl::lts_20220623::string_view, firebase::firestore::credentials::AuthToken const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, firebase::firestore::remote::GrpcStreamObserver*)
6 FirebaseFirestore +0x136290 firebase::firestore::remote::Stream::ResumeStartWithCredentials(firebase::firestore::util::StatusOr<firebase::firestore::credentials::AuthToken> const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&)
7 FirebaseFirestore +0x137954 0x137954 (0x137910 + 68)
8 FirebaseFirestore +0x8258 firebase::firestore::util::AsyncQueue::ExecuteBlocking(std::__1::function<void ()> const&)
9 FirebaseFirestore +0x14841c firebase::firestore::util::Task::ExecuteAndRelease()
10 libdispatch.dylib +0x607d0 __dispatch_client_callout
11 libdispatch.dylib +0x9320 __dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$mp
12 libdispatch.dylib +0x9e3c __dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$mp
13 libdispatch.dylib +0x124a8 __dispatch_workloop_worker_thread
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib +0xc110 __pthread_wqthread
Steps to reproduce:
App is getting crashed on calling GetSnapshotAsync() on iOS devices
Drive-by comment: This is another instance of This is a suspected race condition but the Firestore team has not had success reproducing it. @rameshporeddy are you able to reliably reproduce this crash? If so, would you be able to reproduce under thread sanitizer and address sanitizer? If those sanitizers discover anything they will very likely be extremely helpful. Xcode instructions for the sanitizers are documented at
@dconeybe I had to buy an iPad Mini 2 which only supports the latest 12.5.7 it crashes when it tries to perform the login, let me know if you need more information.
@victors1681 That's fantastic! Can you rebuild your app with thread sanitizer and reproduce? See more instructions in my previous comment:
Hi @dconeybe we noticed there was movement on the Firestore iOS repo, to fix this issue.
We tried updating to the latest Firebase Unity SDK (11.6.0) but it still crashes. We noticed that it still refers to 10.15.0 Cocoapods
is there an ETA for a fix for the Unity SDKs? Manually upgrading the Cocoapods to refer to 10.16.0 does not work either.
Edit : oddly, the of Unity 11.6.0 mentions it's updated to Cocoapods 10.16.0, but none of the individual dependencies seem to reference it.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 11.6.0. - General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 10.16.0.
- App Check: Fixed a crash when there are errors creating a provider. (#877)
@khambadkone My apologies that the 11.6.0 Unity SDK release did not upgrade its dependencies on the firebase-ios-sdk, and still suffers from that bug you linked to. We don't have a workaround for now, but the next release of the Unity SDK will include the upgraded dependency (barring any prohibitively-difficult technical issues). We don't typically give ETAs for releases, but the next Unity SDK release is planned for mid-late January 2024.
Hi folks, I believe the fix for this has been released, so I'll go ahead and close this thread. Let me know if this issue is still present and needs to be reopened. Thanks!