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The Firebase SDK for Unity
Firebase Unity Open Source Development
The repository contains the Firebase Unity SDK source, with support for Android, iOS, and desktop platforms. It includes the following Firebase libraries:
- Google Analytics for Firebase
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Dynamic Links
- Cloud Firestore
- Cloud Functions for Firebase
- Firebase Invites
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Firebase Remote Config
- Cloud Storage for Firebase
Firebase is an app development platform with tools to help you build, grow and monetize your app. More information about Firebase can be found at
More information about the Firebase Unity SDK can be found at Samples on how to use the Firebase Unity SDK can be found at
Table of Contents
Firebase Unity Open Source Development
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Install Unity
- Building for certain library
- Packaging unitypackage
- Packaging tgz
- Packing for certain library
- Including in Project
- Contributing
- License
Getting Started
You can clone the repo with the following command:
git clone
Please follow Firebase C++ SDK Prerequisites first.
- Swig, version 4 or newer
Install Unity
- Unity, version 2019 or newer
While installing through UnityHub, when you decide which version to install, it will pop up a dialog to select necessary support modules. Please check the boxes based on your dev machine OS and dev platform. For most common case while dev on macOS, we should select Android + Android SDK & NDK Tool, iOS Build Support and Mac Build Support (IL2CPP)
Under the repo root folder, call
python scripts/build_scripts/ –platform=<target platform>
Note: Supported target platform names: linux,macos,windows,ios,android
Expected output artifact is [Repo Root]/<platform_unity, eg macos_unity>/firebase_unity-< version >-< platform >.zip
- Linux zip requires linux machine to build.
- Windows zip requires windows machine to build
- macOS, iOS and android zips can be built by mac.(Although android zip could be built on both linux and windows machine as well, but we recommend to run it with mac, to get align with our CI)
Building for certain library
python scripts/build_scripts/ —-platform=<target platform> --targets=<lib1> -–targets=<lib2>
Note: Supported library names: analytics, auth, crashlytics, database, dynamic_links, firestore, functions, installations, messaging, remote_config, storage
We can package the built artifacts to better imported by Unity Editor.
Packaging unitypackage
Copy the zip file for each platforms to one folder, referred to as assets_zip_dir below, for example usually looks like this
- firebase_unity-< version >
- firebase_unity-< version >
- firebase_unity-< version >
- firebase_unity-< version >
- firebase_unity-< version >
And then run:
python scripts/build_scripts/ --zip_dir=<assets_zip_dir> –output=<output dir>
Packaging tgz
With the same assets_zip_dir, we can run:
python scripts/build_scripts/ --zip_dir=<assets_zip_dir> –output=<output dir> --output_upm=True
Packing for certain library
If we build only certain subset of the libraries like in Building for certain library, we can copy the built artifacts into assets_zip_dir, and then run:
python scripts/build_scripts/ --zip_dir=<assets_zip_dir> -–output=<output dir> --apis=<lib1,lib2>
Including in Project
We can refer to Firebase Unity Installation Options to learn how to import the unitypacakge or tgz files that packaged.
We love contributions, but note that we are still working on setting up our test infrastructure, so we may choose not to accept pull requests until we have a way to validate those changes on GitHub. Please read our contribution guidelines to get started.
The contents of this repository is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
Your use of Firebase is governed by the Terms of Service for Firebase Services.