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Firebase Android SDK

Results 413 firebase-android-sdk issues
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We have exponential backoff implemented, but not for `uploadChunk`. If `uploadChunk` fails, we check if we are in a recoverable state, and then request the status of the upload, and...


In an effort to make the DackkaPlugin tasks all cache compliant (per [b/243833009](, the only remaining task that was not already cache complaint was FiresiteTransform. This PR fixes that. More...


- Check http response status code before retrying. Http status codes being used to retry are: Ok 200 Client Timeout 408 Bad Gateway 502 Unavailable 503 Gateway timeout 504 Similar...


Part of [go/kotlin-flows-firebase-android](http://go/kotlin-flows-firebase-android) This PR should add callbackFlows for RTDB's `ValueEventListener` and `ChildEventListener`.


* Android Studio version: **Android studio arctic fox | 2020.3.1 patch 3** * Firebase Component: **Authentication** * Component version: **** I have implemented apple login on android, using firebase, based...

api: auth

### [READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place? Issues filed here should be about bugs in __the code in this repository__. If you have a general question, need...

api: mlkit

### [READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place? Issues filed here should be about bugs in __the code in this repository__. If you have a general question, need...

api: performance

Also has some refactoring to, among other things, allow the passing of a screenshot URI to the `startFeedback()` API.
