
Results 44 comments of Tami

Well... there are a few ways actually. 1 confirmed way is to send a "Broadcast Message" to a friend you know saved your contact + another User you can check...

was able to log in with the ghrepo version AND send message (no changes to my code besides.. ``` fromPip = False if fromPip: from openwa import WhatsAPIDriver else: print("LOADING...

still getting this error is there a way to reload the driver properly ? or any other suggestions ? thank you

Thanks for the reply guys! honestly i havn't really tested the beta BECAUSE it's not compatible with you guys yet so idk if its buggy or not but what i...

Hi there! just ran into this mentioned problem, *PLEASE ACCEPT THIS PR* :pray: ``` ➜ stable-diffusion-webui git:(master) ✗ bash < webui.sh ################################################################ Install script for stable-diffusion + Web UI Tested...

well im not sure which did it, the pr or the pip / setuptools update But either way it's working!! Thanks @AdamOswald , Thanks @crowsonkb !! Seems they were in...

For starters... Thanks you guys for the replies! As for the OSI site... The GitHub Issues is kind of a great DB, well managed, with great API (Wondering if you...

Opened upwork request Hope it works! Added this description::: I would like to build a modern looking website for this (currently horrible) site: https://open-source-ideas.github.io/ The idea is it's really cool,...

@FredrikAugust I've put up an offer on upwork 💪🏾 #soon ![Screenshot_2019-12-06-18-31-05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9356048/70339030-b750c780-1856-11ea-9f29-6995dda9726a.png) Contract title: Design Build & Publish a website for OSI ***Milestones: A - 50$*** Build a first functional version...