fiorenzo pizza
fiorenzo pizza
Starting from the api gateway use-case, i created a big application with microservices with a custom api-gateway+serviceDiscovery in vertx and docker. I changed something for file upload and for naming...
My idea is simple: - docker-compose with api-gateway, 2 services and mysql. The 2 services use the service discovery to comunicate via rest or via event bus. docker-compose.yaml version: "2"...
this night..i will try!
the use case complete is here: [email protected]:fiorenzino/redpipe-clustered.git why don't create a repository for all examples (and to remove from the source of project)?
Yes, the host/port/root parts are always derived from server config and @Path annotations. But in vertx you must declare that.
If you like my idea, i can try to write my first extension on redpipe: redpipe-servicediscovery, dependent from redpipe-cdi. We need to initialize in some point: ServiceDiscovery serviceDiscovery = ServiceDiscovery.create(AppGlobals.get().getVertx(),...
work in progress: