
Results 39 comments of lwj

Unfortunately, the current code increases the number of `frobeniusAutomorph` (i.e., O(d^2)) times. (Perhaps with the Baby-step/Giant-step tech, we can reduce it to O(d \sqrt(d))) Even with hoisting, I found it...

Q is the largest modulus used for generating secret-key related stuffs, e.g., switching keys.

zero-filling is noting but just multiplying zero-one vectors then rotation.

It is just a definition thing. For `a \in [0, p),` we can also view it as `a \in [-p/2, p/2)`. Also, HElib will give the decryption in the domain...

* quick response: check the ciphertext size of your decryption. * Homomorphic multiplication will increase the ciphertext size (which is reduced down by relinearization) As a result, the decryption time...

@bear1988520 please close the duplicated issues, or close it when it is solved.

* Try using multiple co-prime `t`, say `K > 1` co-prime `t`. * And encrypt you data with these `K` keys. * Perform the computation parallel, on the `K` copies...

For example to encrypt the SEAL's key using other symmetric/asymmetric crypto (AES or RSA)?

From my own experience, Xeon might not running in its fastest frequency, particularly when it is on a Server blade. Try to turn off the save-power mode. Also turning off...

To understand the Galois in SEAL, keep in mind two things. * galois(a(X), g) is not thing more than re-arranging the coefficients via X^i -> X^{g * i} for every...