
Results 8 issues of Tsvetan

Reproduction: https://codesandbox.io/s/sweet-mestorf-jcqoo?file=/src/App.js In short, I have to track the path of the file that is currently selected. It can be changed externally (i.e. not from the tree), as in the...

When a server stream doesn't produce a value for some time (1 minute by default), the connection is closed and the client gets `"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc =...

Here is an example - a stream of numbers each second which should stop when the client stops listening. ```proto syntax = "proto3"; package arithmetic; service Arithmetic { rpc Range...

I want to suggest a language enhancement - "case expressions" (or maybe "switch expressions"). I use Haskell and other functional languages and I really miss this feature. :) It makes...

P Language Enhancement
Feature Request

The following proto: ```proto message MyMsg { bool a = 1; oneof b { bool c = 2; bool d = 3; } } ``` corresponds to the following Haskell...

Similarly to Broadcast's `listenTimeout`, it may be useful to have: - `acquireTimeout :: Lock -> Integer -> IO Bool` and - `withTimeout :: Lock -> Integer -> IO a ->...

### Summary The bufferline shows a `[+]` marker next to the files that have unsaved changes. I have a shortcut that saves the file. However, even though the file was...


### Summary I tried to put `"diff"` twice in the `gutters` option, and after reloading the config, Helix got stuck - I had to kill it with -9. When I...
